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Pet CBD Day

April 15 2023

April 21st is Pet CBD Day. This is one area that has grown tremendously in the last decade. This has been led by a growing awareness of the myriad ways that cannabinoids can benefit people. They can also help our pets! A Highlands Ranch, CO vet discusses CBD for pets below.


There is some confusion between THC and CBD. Both are found in the cannabis plant. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is psychoactive, and is the compound that produces that ‘stoned’ effect. THC products are definitely not safe for pets. CBD, or cannabidiol, does not produce the same effects. Most CBD products are from hemp, which has low levels of THC.


CBD can help pets with a variety of issues. Some of these include lack of appetite, nausea, seizures, and anxiety. Other uses include improving cardiac health, controlling pain, and even fighting cancer. It has even been used by animal welfare groups to soothe and calm frightened pets. CBD pet products come in a variety of forms, including oils, treats, and tinctures. They usually take about half an hour to 45 minutes to work, though oils tend to work a bit faster.

Side Effects

CBD is very low risk, as far as side effects go. There are a few possible effects, such as increased thirst and lower blood pressure. Your furry friend may also feel a bit sleepy, though that of course isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The other possibility would be an allergic reaction. That said, there is still a lot of research to be done in this area. However,  it’s worth mentioning that CBD has no known toxicity levels. That makes it extremely safe.


The biggest thing to keep in mind if looking into pet CBD products are source and dosage. The FDA has not yet released dosage guidelines for pets, so it’s important to talk to a veterinarian that is knowledgeable in this area. You’ll also want to be sure to get your CDB products from a retailer that creates things specifically for pets. Never give your pet any THC products, such as marijuana edibles, syrups, or tinctures. That all said, every pet is different. Your furry pal’s care regimen should be customized based on their needs and health. Ask your vet for more information.

Are you interested in learning more about pet CBD products? Contact us, your Highlands Ranch, CO pet hospital!

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