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CBD For Pets

October 1 2023

October is Natural Pet CBD Month. As you may know, here at Whole Pet, we utilize both modern veterinary medical techniques and protocols and holistic and alternative treatments. One option that has become increasingly popular in the past few years is the use of CBD—an extract of the cannabis plant—to treat medical conditions in both people and pets. In this article, a local Aurora CO vet discusses CBD use in pets.

It’s Effective

While there are certainly many more studies to come, there is already quite a bit of evidence of CBD being a safe and beneficial treatment. One study out of Cornell showed that it relieved pain in over 80% of dogs with osteoarthritis.

Pet CBD vs. Human CBD: What’s The Difference?

Many people are curious about the difference between the CBD products made for humans and those made for pets. There is no difference in the CBD itself. However, strength and serving recommendations can be quite different. Err on the side of caution, and only give your furry pal products made for pets.

How Is CBD Used?

CBD can be used to treat a wide variety of medical issues in our furry companions. It’s often used for pain management. It’s also helpful in treating things like anxiety, obsessive behaviors, moodiness, depression, seizures, and digestive issues. It may help a canine with separation anxiety cope with being alone while his owner is at work, or calm a pup with a noise phobia or fear-based aggression.

What Are The Downsides?

One of the best things about CBD is that there really are no significant cons to its use. Used properly, it’s very safe and effective. That said, there has so far been fairly limited research. It has also not been officially approved by the FDA.

Choosing CBD For Fido

You will need to avoid products that also contain THC, which is what causes psychoactive effects. You don’t want your canine pal getting ‘stoned’! Opt for products that utilize CO2 extraction. As far as dosage, the AKC recommends 0.1 or 0.2 mg for each kilogram of Fido’s weight, offered orally twice a day. However, any type of medication or herb should be offered under the direction of your vet. If you know or suspect that your furry best friend could benefit from CBD products, ask your vet for product recommendations

Do you have questions about the use of CBD oil for pets? Contact us, your local Aurora CO animal hospital, today!

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