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Nationally Specially-Abled Pets Day

May 1 2023

May 3rd is Nationally Specially-Abled Pets Day! Pets with disabilities have a special way of melting our hearts. Unfortunately for them, that doesn’t always translate into quicker or easier adoptions. Many of these sweet pets have a very hard time finding loving homes. That’s very sad, because they tend to be super loving and affectionate, and can make fun and adorable companion animals. A local Highlands Ranch, CO vet shines the spotlight on specially-abled pets in this article.

Specially-Abled Pets

Technically, specially-abled pets are pets with disabilities. These may range from vision or hearing problems to paralysis or even missing limbs. Fido and Fluffy may be specially-abled from birth, or may have gotten there through accidents or disease, or in some cases, due to age. These guys could definitely use a signal boost: many people are hesitant about adopting them. However, these guys are just as full of love, tail wags, and purrs as any other pet. In fact, many are even more affectionate than other animals, simply because they’re so desperate for love and affection.


There are a lot of misconceptions about adopting and caring for specially-abled pets. Many people assume that they are harder to care for than other pets. However, that isn’t necessarily true. Our furry friends are extremely resilient, to the point that many don’t seem to realize that they’re a little different. While some specially-abled pets may need special care, others just need slightly different care. Ask the foster or shelter and your vet for more information.

How To Help

 Adoption is a huge commitment, so adopting Fido and Fluffy won’t be the right option for everyone. That said, there are plenty of other ways to help them. Consider making a donation to a charity that works with specially-abled pets. Or, go a step further and run a fundraiser or donation drive. That’s really easy to do on social media nowadays. Facebook, for instance, has charity fundraising options integrated into its user interface for birthdays. You may also want to look into volunteering or even fostering. If you’re a craftier sort and/or have a 3-D printer, you could possibly even make doggy wheelchairs or pet bumpers. Even spreading the word on social media can make a difference!

Do you have questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your local Highlands Ranch, CO pet hospital, anytime!

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