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Holistic Pet Day

August 15 2023

August 30th is Holistic Pet Day. Fluffy and Fido may not react much if you tell them that, but your furry friends may very much benefit from holistic pet care. If you’re interested in leading a greener, more eco-friendly lifestyle, this is a purrfect time to move in that direction. A local Aurora CO vet goes over some facets of holistic pet care in this article.

What Is Holistic Medicine?

The answer to this one is very much in the word holistic itself. Holistic care includes the whole being: body, mind, and spirit. How does that translate to pets? Well, one element of holistic care is that it focuses on healing from the inside out. That starts with making sure your pet is eating a wholesome, nutritious diet. You may want to incorporate organic foods or ingredients, add supplements or medicinal mushrooms, and/or reduce their intake of processed snacks. Holistic care also tends to Fido and Fluffy’s emotional well-being. Taking steps to soothe and calm them, and ease their stress, helps provide a better quality of life, which in turn can help improve physical health. 

Veterinary Care

The beauty of holistic veterinary care is that it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. In fact, it really shouldn’t be. Fido and Fluffy still very much need and benefit from some of the modern aspects of veterinary care. That includes things like spay/neuter surgery, lab work, and biopsies. However, there are other facets of their health care routine that can incorporate holistic elements, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, CBD, and vaccine titers. Ask your vet for more information.

Going Holistic At Home

There are some things you can do at home to incorporate some holistic practices into your pet care regimen. Some are quite small and simple. For instance, you may want to swap out plastic food and water dishes for ceramic or bamboo, and replace your furry pal’s bed with something made from natural fibers. Making sure your pet always has pure water is also important. Another thing you can do is set out pet-friendly plants, which will both make your home look welcoming and help with air quality. Check the ASPCA’s website here for a list of safe and unsafe plants.

Do you have questions about holistic pet care? Contact us, your local Aurora CO pet clinic, today. We are always here to help!

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